The sign of the sea:: a biblical-theological interpretation Ex 14
The objective is aims to carry out a biblical-theological interpretation of the miracle of the sea, for which Exodus 14 is advocated from a critical historical perspective and a theological reading is made that provides for an understanding of the miracle of the sea beyond a magical interventionism from God. To carry out this research, a qualitative-documentary methodology is used, since a bibliographic review was made, to hermeneutically justify the biblical-theological approach to the perícopa in question. The main findings lead to the conclusion that Exodus 14 has several editorial layers, which clarifies the apparent contradictions; likewise, it is agreed that the miracle is not a divine interventionism that breaks the laws of nature, but is the discovery, by the affirmative force of faith, of God's action in the world.
Red Sea, Miracle, Historical-critical method, Creation
Author Biography
Carlos Alberto Vargas González
Docente. Maestría en Administración, U. Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín.
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